Welcome to our website

We are an indepent cargo survey company, founded in 2010 by Eric van Oosterom.

While working still as a Chief Officer he dicided to found the company to have anything to do during his reliefs.

Since 2011 he stopped sailing to dedicate himself fully to the company.

The company can be hired for drafts surveys (inland and seagoing vessels), pre-loading surveys and supervision during loading, lashing surveys, bunker surveys and on/off hire surveys (bunker and condition)

Beside surveys we are also hired on a regular base as cargo superintendant and port captain.

For each survey of CSI job we can help you with the right surveyor for the job at hand.

Each of our surveyors are former officers merchant navy or have an extensive experience for the job at hand.
Umm al houl Power IWPP
Largest Part of the sipments are done, as it look like now another 3 or 4 shipments to go.
Large power plant to be build in Quatar.
Mainly shipments of generators and turbines.
Umm al houl Power IWPP

This is a project for which we do the supervision during loading and the lashing surveys for on behalf of Agility projects


Huaranga Marine Consultancy
Long term Agreement with Huaranga Marine Consultancy to do all the surveys in Europe for them
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Laakkade 334
Den Haag, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 (0)70 7569935
HarperMac Marine Survey